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Please be sure to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your booking (apart from the first session of the day) so you have enough time to complete our waiver and receive safety instructions, without compromising your Jumpin Fun time.

All jumpers are advised to wear long sleeves and have legs covered. Socks must be worn on the course at all times. This is to reduce the risk of minor friction burns that can occur.

The minimum age for participation in our inflatable without adult supervision is 5 years of age. Under 5’s must have a ratio of 1:1 adult to under 5.


Jumpin’s number one priority is for all our guests to have fun in a safe environment

  1. We have a tightly managed and monitored health & safety system – developed around inflatable park safety, best practice and industry standards. Follow our rules to have fun and be Jumpin safe!
  2. Keep the vibe positive. Play your part by keeping stray elbows, knees, feet, even your head tucked in where you can. Consider those around you, especially if they are younger than you
  3. Socks must be worn at all times! We also recommend long trousers and sleeves to prevent friction burns and chaffing.
  4. Woah there with those quadruple back-flips! Always jump within your abilities and land correctly. This means completely no front flips or back flips are allowed while on the inflatable.
  5. Loose change, jewellery, keys, mobiles, snotty rags – keep all that stuff in your locker. It’ll still be there when you’ve finished.
  6. Any participant aged 4 and under* must be directly supervised by a participant over the age of 16.
  7. This ain’t no vom fest – no food, drink or gum allowed. No bouncing under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
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